School Tours

Are you considering Whetstone High School? 

WHS offers:

Would you like to see it in person? School tours are a great way to experience all that WHS has to offer!

School Tour Details

Tours are offered on selected Wednesday mornings and last about an hour. 

Attendees should arrive at the main entrance by 7:30 AM. Please bring a photo ID and proceed to the Sign-in window for a visitor badge.

Tours begin at 7:45 AM in the school Library where attendees are welcomed by Principal Routzong. After a short introduction and video, student tour guides escort attendees throughout the school visiting and highlighting various WHS academics, athletics, arts, and more (including any other, specific areas of interest as noted by attendees during tour sign-up).

Tours finish around 8:30 AM and all attendees receive a packet containing additional information about WHS. 

Sign-up for your tour today!